Difference between a copyright and a patent

In the world of creativity and invention, protecting your work is super important. But did you know there are different ways to protect different things? That’s where patents and copyrights come in. They’re like superheroes guarding different parts of your creations. Let’s dive in and explore the difference between copyright and patent.

Overview of Copyright 

Copyright is like a rule that protects things you create, like stories, music, art, or videos. It means others can’t copy or use your stuff without your permission. It gives you control over how your work is used and lets you decide if others can share or make money from it. Copyright helps creators feel safe to share their cool ideas without worrying someone might take them without asking.

Overview of Patent

A patent is like a special right for inventors. It’s a rule that says if you make something new and useful, like an invention or a cool idea, you can get a patent for it. This patent gives you the exclusive right to decide who can use, sell, or make your invention for a certain time. It’s like a shield that protects your awesome creation and lets you be the boss of it for a while. In return, you might need to share how your invention works with everyone later on.

Key Differences between Copyright and Patent

What is the big difference between copyright and patent? Copyright protects creative things, while patents protect inventions. Copyright is automatic, but patents need an application. Copyright lasts longer too—like for the whole lifetime of the creator plus more years. Patents usually last for 20 years.

Here is the detailed patent and copyright difference:

What it protectsOriginal works of authorshipInventions
Exclusive rightsReproduce, distribute, perform, and displayMake, use, and sell
Protection arisesAutomatically upon creationUpon grant of a patent by a government agency
Registration requiredNoYes
Duration of protectionThe life of the author plus 70 years20 years from the date of filing the patent application.

List of Differences between Copyright & Patent

The big difference is what they protect—copyright guards creative works, while patents protect new and useful inventions.

Here are the main things to keep in mind about the differences between copyright and patents:


  1. protects creative stuff like stories, music, art, and videos.
  2. stops others from copying or using your work without asking.
  3. It gives you control over how your creation is used and shared.
  4. It lasts for a long time, letting you decide how your work is used.


  1. protects new and useful inventions or special ideas.
  2. It gives you the exclusive right to decide who can make, use, or sell your invention.
  3. It lasts for a limited time, usually to encourage sharing knowledge after a while.
  4. It requires sharing how your invention works with everyone eventually.

Remember, copyright is for creative things, while patents are for new inventions or unique ideas! Hence, choosing the right copyright services in india  and patent services in india  is essential.

Types of copyright:

  1. Literary Works: This type of copyright covers written content, like books, articles, poems, and even computer software. It protects the words and expressions used in various forms of writing.
  2. Musical Works: It safeguards musical compositions, including songs, melodies, and lyrics. Any original musical creation is protected under this copyright.
  3. Artistic Works: This encompasses visual arts such as paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, and even architectural designs. It guards the visual expressions of artists.
  4. Dramatic Works: Plays, scripts, choreography, and screenplays fall under this category. It protects creativity and expression in theatrical performances and storytelling.
  5. Audiovisual Works: This includes movies, videos, and animations, protecting the creative elements in visual storytelling.
  6. Architectural Works: Designs and plans for buildings and other architectural creations are protected under this copyright category, safeguarding the unique architectural expressions.

Copyright registration in India protects the expressions of creativity, while patents secure innovations, designs, and even new plant species, etc.

Types of Patents:

  1. Utility Patents: These patents protect how something works. They cover inventions, processes, machines, and innovative methods. For instance, a new gadget or a unique manufacturing process might fall under this category.
  2. Design patents: This type of patent safeguards the unique appearance or design of a product. It could be the distinctive shape, pattern, or ornamentation of an item.
  3. Plant Patents: These patent applications cover new plant varieties that are created or discovered by humans. They protect unique and new types of plants, such as hybrid roses or specific strains of crops.

Benefits of Patent Registration vs. Copyright Registration

Here’s a breakdown of the benefits of patent registration versus copyright registration in a simple list:

Benefits of Patent Registration:

  1. Exclusive Rights: When you get a patent, it means you’re the only one allowed to make, sell, or use your invention for around 20 years.
  2. Protects Inventions: Patents are for new and useful inventions, like machines, medicines, or unique processes.
  3. Monopoly over Invention: It gives you a monopoly, meaning others can’t copy or sell your invention without your permission.
  4. Valuable Protection: If your invention becomes popular, having patent registration services can be really valuable as it stops others from making money from your idea.

Patent registration in India is the key to safeguarding your innovations! Don’t wait—protect your inventions with Sailakshmi IPR services in india for a brighter future!

Benefits of Copyright Registration:

  1. Automatic Protection: When you create something original, like music, books, art, or software, you automatically get copyright protection.
  2. Proof of Ownership: Registering your copyright makes it easier to prove that you’re the creator of the work.
  3. Legal Rights: It gives you the right to take legal action against anyone who copies or uses your work without your permission.
  4. Long-Term Protection: Copyrights last a long time, usually for the creator’s lifetime plus 70 years, ensuring long-term protection for your creative work.

Both patents and copyrights are super helpful in protecting your ideas and creations, but they cover different types of things—patents for inventions and copyrights for creative works!


Think of patents and copyrights like two sides of a coin. They’re kind of similar, but they actually protect different things in different ways. Copyrights are like bodyguards for creative stuff, like stories or music, while patents are more like protectors for new inventions. It’s important for you to know about the difference between copyright and patent and how to keep your cool ideas safe by using the right kind of protection for them!

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