
Difference between a copyright and a patent

In the world of creativity and invention, protecting your work is super important. But did you know there are different ways to protect different things? That’s where patents and copyrights come in. They’re like superheroes guarding different parts of your creations. Let’s dive in and explore the difference between copyright and patent. Overview of Copyright  …

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Learn About Intellectual Property Rights in India – Sailakshmi

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are special rules that protect things made by people’s minds, like new inventions, books, art, and business logos. These rules make sure that creators are recognized and their work is not copied without permission. These rules are important because they help encourage new ideas and help the economy grow. They give …

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Trademark Registration Vs Copyright Registration – Sailakshmi

In the realm of intellectual property protection, trademarks and copyrights stand as two pillars, each safeguarding distinct creative assets. Trademark registration and copyright registration are essential processes for securing legal rights over intellectual property, ensuring exclusivity and preventing unauthorized use. This blog delves into the intricacies of trademark vs. copyright registrations, highlighting the differences between …

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How to Register Brand Name in India – Sailakshmi

In the dynamic and competitive business landscape of India, establishing a distinct identity is paramount. Your brand name is not just a label; it’s a reflection of your business’s ethos and values. To safeguard your brand’s identity and secure your market presence, it’s imperative to understand the process of brand name registration in India.  This …

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