Apply For Patent Registration In India

Get Your Patent Registered with Expert and Experienced Patent Attorneys

Looking to secure your innovative ideas? Turn to Sailakshmi Patent Services, the forefront of patent filing services in India. Our expert team simplifies the intricate patent application filing process, ensuring your intellectual property is protected.

Our patent services include:

With a deep understanding of the PCT filing procedure in India, we guide you seamlessly through the entire journey. Experience the convenience of online patent filing through Sailakshmi’s user-friendly platform. Safeguard your creations with confidence – entrust Sailakshmi Patent Services for comprehensive patent registration solutions.

Check Eligibility of patent filing in india

To be eligible for patent filing in India, you must meet the following criteria:

If you meet all of the above criteria, then you are eligible to file a patent application in India.

Benefits Of Offline & Online Patent Registration in India With Sailakshmi

Registering a patent with Sailakshmi offers numerous benefits, whether you choose to do it online or offline.



You can file your patent application online from anywhere in the world, at any time.


The online system is designed to be more efficient, so your application may be processed faster.


The online filing fees are lower than the offline filing fees.


Personal assistance

You can get help from a patent agent or consultant who can guide you through the process.

More flexibility

You can submit your application in person, by mail, or by fax.


You can choose to file your application in multiple countries.

Procedure of Patent Registration in India


Draft a detailed description of your invention along with diagrams.

Filing Application

Submit application with the Indian Patent Office, online or offline.


The patent office examines your application for uniqueness and inventiveness.


After examination, the application is published in the patent journal.


If approved, the patent is granted, protecting your invention.

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Rules of Filling patent in india

Application Submission

An application is filed with the Indian Patent Office, specifying the invention's technical details, claims, and supporting documentation.


The application undergoes examination to ensure it meets patentability criteria.


After 18 months from the filing date or priority date, the application is published, making its details accessible to the public.


Third parties can oppose the application within a specified timeframe if they believe it lacks novelty or inventive step.

Grant or Rejection

Based on examination results and any opposition, the patent office decides to grant or reject the patent.

Duration and Renewal

Once granted, a patent is valid for 20 years from the filing date. Annual renewal fees are required to maintain its validity.


A patent grants the owner exclusive rights to make, use, sell, or license the invention within India.

Required Documents Patent Registration Process in India

Application for Grant of Patent (Form 1)

This is the main application form that must be filed with the Indian Patent Office.

Provisional Specification (Form 2)

This is a shorter version of the complete specification that can be filed initially to establish the priority date of the invention.

Complete Specification (Form 2)

This is a detailed description of the invention that must be filed within 12 months of filing the provisional specification. It must include drawings, if necessary.

Statement and Undertaking under Section 8 (Form 3)

This form is used to disclose any foreign patent applications that have been filed for the same invention.

Declaration as to Inventorship (Form 5)

This form is used to confirm the identity of the inventors of the invention.

Power of Attorney (Form 26)

This form is used to appoint a patent agent to represent the applicant in the patent application process.


Patent registration can be done online and offline. For offline registration, there are four branches of Patent Registration offices in India, viz., Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, and Mumbai. Every office has a different jurisdiction for registration which is based on the inventors domicile or place of business or the original place where the invention was done.
The cost for patent registration depends on the number of pages and claims in the patent application. The minimum cost is INR 8000, for up to 30 pages and 10 claims. There is additional cost for each page after that.
The Official Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks in the Indian Patent Office is the whole and sole authority for granting patents in India.
Patent registration is quite a long process. It takes 18 months to have the application published in the Official Gazette. That can be accelerated by filing a request for early publication. However, after this, a request for examination is to be made and that’s upon the applicant. The applicant can delay making such request for as long as 4years. Once the request for examination is filed, it takes at least 2 years to examine the application. So, it’s a considerably long procedure and can take anywhere between three to seven years based on when the applications and requests are filed.
A patent is valid for 20 years after registration. Once expired, the applicant can make further application for the renewal of the patent.

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